Treatment areas include the temples, cheeks, tear troughs, lips, chin, jawline, neck and hands
As we age, which can start as early as 35 years old, we lose collagen, facial bone mass, experience muscle wasting and fat pad decent. Using hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero or Teosyal we can first address this volume loss and then help to restore the natural contours of the face to give a revitalized and restful look. Hyaluronic acids help to restore youthfulness to the cheeks, temples, lower eyelid, nasal labial area, lips and the chin. It can also redefine jaw lines and smooth and plump fine lines. A consultation with the skin injection specialist will include a full facial assessment and a plan will be created to address your specific needs that suit your lifestyle and budget.
What are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are gels that are made up of hyaluronic acids that mimic substances that are naturally occurring in our bodies. They are injected to help build volume to facial areas, restore natural contours of the face, and plump lines and lips.
We choose different products based on each of their specific properties whether they are injected deep on to the facial bones or very superficially to give a smooth hydrated appearance.
What is the cost?
Everyone’s needs are very different so a consultation is needed and will determine how much product will be required to improve aging concerns or enhance your natural beauty. Some areas require 1-4 syringes in one sitting. A specific customised plan will be made to address your specific needs. Cost of the syringe is dependant on the cost of product and the skill and expertise of the injector.
How long does it take and also last??
Treatments can range from 30 mins to 2.0 hours. You can expect to see results immediately but allow for swelling and filler integration as this can take between 2-4 weeks to settle. Longevity is dependent on which product is used and where it is placed. Lip filler can range from 4-9 months while chin filler can last 18 to 24 months.
How many treatments are needed and how is the recovery?
Most people require one treatment with a follow up to reassess results in 2 weeks. People with more areas to address will require a few treatment sessions spaced out over 3 to 4 weeks. Bruising and swelling can occur so depending on your comfort level some people do choose to go back to work the next day. Most people take a few days to recover. Bruising and swelling can take up to two weeks to subside so plan ahead for special occasions. You can find more information on how to prepare for filler injections in the “patient information” section.