Chemical Peels

The Glow Peel is a light, brightening peel, from AlumierMD, that improves the signs of aging and hyperpigmentation with minimal downtime.

This bespoke treatment is a great alternative to refresh and improve the tone and texture of the skin. A series of peels will give your skin care regime a boost  decreasing problems of pigmentation or acne. Controlled exfoliation to the epidermis and/or the dermis will stimulate new collagen and elastin to improve skin texture and tone.


What is a Chemical Peel??


Topical solutions are painted onto your skin causing it to peel, allowing for new skin cells to take their place. There are different types of chemical peels, some are more aggressive with more downtime and others are more gentle allowing you to return to work the next day.


What results can I expect?


A single chemical peel can provide immediate effect of bright and radiant skin; however more significant results in treating textural issues, fine lines and inflamed acne could take longer.


What areas of the body are chemical peels used?


Chemical peels are usually performed on the face, but may also be used on the neck and decolllete.


What are some side effects after a chemical peel?


Depending on the treatment you should not expect to “peel”. However, you may have light to moderate flaking in a few localized areas for 3 to 7 days. You may also experience some redness that may last 1 to 12 hours.