
Microneedling addresses the outer layer of the skin affected by environmental stresses of sun damage, toxins and the natural aging process. A full face and neck treatment can improve fine lines, tone and texture of the skin. Using a Health Canada approved microneedling device, tiny perforations are made into the skin which cause microwounds that stimulate the release of growth factors leading to collagen production. Proven results have also been seen with other skin conditions such as acne scars, hyperpigmentation and necklace lines. A series of 4-6 treatments is recommended for optimal results spread out every 6 weeks.


What is Microneedling?


This is a  full face and neck skin treatment using a hand held microneedling device. Our treatment tip has 25 tiny medical grade needles on a treatment tip with varying needle lengths depending on your needs. A topical anaesthetic is used and the device is applied over the affected area. A vitamin and cell stimulating serum is painted over the skin after the procedure which allows it to  penetrate deep into the dermal layers. Benefits include improvement to acne scars, pigmentation, fine lines and skin texture.


How long does it take?


The treatment takes about 45 minutes.


How many treatments do I need?


It is recommended to complete a series of 5 to 6 treatments with 4 weeks between appointments.


What is the healing time?


Makeup can be applied 24 hours after the procedure. You may still see a few tiny red dots on the skin at this time but it is easily covered. The skin may still feel rough for about 1 week.